Saturday, May 23, 2009

Great Depression and Technology shock

I have state my view. The Great Depression was cause by the technology shock of commercial radio and the constraint it imposed on transportation.

Just a quick background. A radio stations in a major metropolitan area cost a few hundred dollars, and ex[anded, overnight, information about goods. The relatively instantaneous knowledge of goods in the city put a premium on the automobile over the street car. The transportation network could not handle the load.

Hoover's response should have been "Roads,roads,roads". Roads were a government responsibility, mainly, for good or bad.

What the economy needed was knowledge about the elasticity of road building so that it could set the yield curve properly.

Roosevelt came into power and established that measure of elasticity so the yield curve could stabilize. (Scott Sumner outlined this process) His task aided by the stimulus effect of European gold. (see Rohmer, Chris). European gold came into this country because the European yield curve could not stabilize fast enough in this task of measuring road building capability, due to Hitler and German policies.

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