Saturday, May 30, 2009

Zero crossings, asymmetry, and holiday seasons

What do these have in common? . Why is it that zero inventory levels cannot be accounted for in the money system except by bankruptcy? If economic change is asymmetric, then why to holiday traditions occur on regular intervals?

The invention of finance relies on the relatively fast adaption time of money. Yet there are many economic activities in which inventory changes occur faster than money can adapt. Money has never completely conquered the seasonal output of agriculture. Not has the pricing system eliminated criminal activity.

When inventory goes to zero, the ratio of lot sizes (in QM Theory) determines price. Inventory coherency becomes unstable as we get a zero in the denominator. Seasonal changes in agriculture, the sudden arrival of winter cause periodic events of inventory changes happening faster than money can adapt. During these periods the pricing system fails and the economy reverts to pre-monetary, culturally enforced coherency.

A bankruptcy is priced by arbitrary rule, Christmas is a period of non-monetary giving, as his Halloween a traditional form of non-monetary taking. Herding mammals do have to maintain coherency even in the absence of money.

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