Sunday, August 16, 2009

Rahm, Hubris, and the Collapse of the Obama Agenda

If there is one individual who will be responsible for a double dip recession, I nominate Rahm Emanuel. This man will extend the recession purposefully to realize his dream, "Never let a good crisis go to waste" It was correct to demote him in the Clinton administration, and it is appropriate to fire him now.

From NYT:

"As the principal author of Mr. Obama’s do-everything-at-once strategy, he stands to become a figure of consequence in his own right if the administration stabilizes the economy and financial markets, overhauls the health care system and winds down one war while successfully prosecuting another.

If things do not go well — and right now Mr. Obama’s political popularity is declining, his health care legislation is under conservative assault, the budget deficit is at an eye-popping level and Afghanistan remains volatile — it is Mr. Emanuel whose job will be on the line before Mr. Obama’s."

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