Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Real Time Pricing

An incomplete post on the economic effects of real time pricing for the essentials of life. I include, congestion control from the dashboard, electricity pricing from a kitchen based meter, insurance by the mile, airline tickets, event tickets, or any freight movement. Real time pricing incentivizes the consumer to force smooth, constant quality inventory flow (most goods and people shipped "as is" during some optimum period). Most real time pricing is digital enabled.

Real time electricity pricing gets a smart grid that can utilize solar during optimum sun hours. Insurance by the mile can also be insurance based on congested-mile, getting you lower rates for minimal driving, but driving on safe, predictable routes. When transportation costs are lowered, then shopping on-line become closer to real time.

Reading electricity rates at home is cheap, a few dollars per home. Why isn't the DOE out pushing real time pricing?

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