Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thumbing through Traffic Technology

A good site for traffic planners. Already we start to see the development of plug and play for stationary computer vision at the intersection and toll booth. We have the development of real time tracking. Even without legislature consent, planners need to buy some of the technology and run in place trials with the technology, reality based simulations.

Within two years I can see widescale E Traffic deployment across America as local municipals began experimenting and developing skills today. Starting with transportation fleets today, the small cost of trials can be covered by them. Contracts to sell lane space can be made pending legislature approval. In the money strapped environment today, traffic managers have great bargaining power with state assemblies. Safety and lower insurance prices are another draw, planners need to get insurance partners on board.

The consumer product groups are now educating the driver about the benefits of E Traffic as they sell him navigation devices. Bus manufacturers will all have options for the new short range communications, push them for retro fits of existing buses for trial runs using transit vehicles. Local truckers association members should be aware of the potential time and fuel savings, and fewer arrival time errors.

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