Monday, April 19, 2010

Demand dysfunction is a form of mass hysteria?

Mass hysteria typically begins when an individual becomes ill or hysterical during a period of stress.[4] After this initial individual shows symptoms, others begin to manifest similar symptoms, typically nausea, muscle weakness, fits or headache.[5]

The features of mass hysteria include no plausible cause found, ambiguous symptoms, rapid escalation of cases - often spread by line of sight - and rapid remission of symptoms. Demographically, cases are higher in females and those with greater use of medical services. Other factors that contribute to the severity of the symptoms and spread are protective clothing worn by emergency services and mistaken or misleading investigations.

A variation is penis panic, otherwise known as the Hank Paulson Syndrome:
Episodes of epidemics occurred in the endemic nations. In a different cultural setting, mass hysteria of genital-shrinkage have been reported in African nations.
Cases of mass panic generally involve 20-30 people, and they seldom last long. How many bankers did we have with acute anxiety in the fourth quarter 2008?

We may suffer castration anxiety among the old white males who run central banking, but I doubt it was the Whodunnit of the crash.

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