Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Technology News

Intelligent headlight saves insurance fees.
Metropolitan Traffic Monitor
Bus Convention, Ohio May 2

EMTRAC'sJim Jarzab from the Austrailian Urban Transit Convention:

"Advances in electronic data storage and information-processing speeds have allowed for transit operators in virtual rights-of-way using advanced vehicle location and identification (AVL/AVI), as well as sophisticated traffic control software, to replicate the safety and functionality of exclusive rights-of-way without the physical structures and resulting adverse community impacts. Sometimes called 'rapid bus', these BRT applications greatly expand the effective range of faster bus operations with enhanced schedule adherence, giving the traveling public better service with minimal investment in additional land or other infrastructure.
New buses, improved energy efficiency:
Manufactured by New Flyer at its plant in Winnipeg, these buses feature clean hybrid diesel-electric technology and boast a 10- to 15-per-cent fuel reduction compared to conventional diesel vehicles

This is the compounding effects of technology in transportation, save energy in infrastructure and operations.

All aboard BRT in Oakland:
In a unanimous show of support, the City of Oakland's Oakland City Council Public Works Committee voted to support the AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project.
Next step, sell high speed transportation rights to private and public ventures; push technology into semi-automated, high speed BRT.

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