Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Autobot Brain, architecture

My summary of the autobot software architecture.  My stack:

  • Navigation Logic - Open source implementation of driving rules for the bot
  • Object Database - Tables of traffic objects and object features, including a final object map
  • Smart Sensors - Vision, LADAR, as well as GPS, wireless, and static geo information.
The top level, Navigation Logic executes the driving rules over the final estimated object map.  Sensors are smart in that they deliver object and object feature information in the Bot's reference frame.  Search and match processes over the database generate the final object table.  Navigation Logic is via byte code interpretation.  Sensor interface is via industrial strength USB or equivalent

Wireless traffic is dedicate short range using location base link addresses. Secret passwords and keys are exchanged out of channel., With periodic human intervention in setting pass words.

The resulting hardware is a single PC style card, the same module occurring in infrastructure as well as mobile nodes.  Manufacturers should take care in controlling counterfeits to avoid piracy.  Traffic installations might resort to wired communications for out of band password exchange.

Total market size: 1 billion units

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