Monday, June 7, 2010

Is Android a good OS for autobots?

Sure, why not.  The byte code execution is great for security.  I would hazard they Google is working on the Black Box in the lab.  They like embedded SQLite, and so do I.  So, sure, at the very core of the Navigation Logic is real time data base of object measurements, a byte code execution machine, and a rule book. The purpose of the autobot brain is to maintain a model of all the objects it knows about, and execute rules over this model.  But we get sort of an explosion of peripheral sensors based on this architecture, with  a measurement database between the senor and the Navigation Logic.

The tracking logic in the autobot looks at measurements over time, and leaving an object measurement in its original form in the database makes sense. Between the sensor and the database is a mild conversion, into the autobot reference, information preserved along the way and dispensed with after finite time.

Android works here just fine, good luck to Google.

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