Thursday, August 12, 2010

My deficit cutting plan

My government reform contains three parts.
1) Legalize and encourage the earmark funding for the House members only.
2) Expand the Build America bond program
3) Utilize a steepening income tax system

Taking the parts in reverse order.  The steepening income tax counteracts the increasing gain that wealthy people receive from government services.  Wealthy people are socialist for a reason; the deadweight losses of government contain a counter dead weight gain that accrues to increasingly wealthy people as they shift corporate expenses onto government.

The Build America Bond system makes observable the interaction between central government and regional governments.  Hence, it offers a market based mechanism to bypass the dysfunctional representation of the Senate.  Regions of the domestic economy can right size their projects with Buy America Bond subsidies such that the entire government channel operates as the ideal Shannon Channel.

Finally, the Earmark is the perfect transaction between central government and the citizenry.  The Congressional district is the best match between proportional representation and regional economies; the fairest part of the constitution.  The Earmark is the perfect transaction to take advantage of that match.

My plan insures that government operations between central and regional government is at maximum efficiency. The plan obtains the optimum Quant of transaction via the earmark. and forces the absolute size of government to remain rational.  One cannot make government more efficient than making the distribution of government goods look like a maximum entropy delivery network, and my plan does just that.

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