Monday, November 29, 2010

Socialist entrepreneur Bill Gates?

The U.S. government should review and update its energy policies every four years in the way that it does with its military policies, a group of scientists and technology experts who advise President Barack Obama said in a report today.

The administration should also more than triple the amount of money it spends each year on energy-related research, development and deployment – possibly through new fees or taxes on gasoline or electricity, the panel concluded.

The findings by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology represent the latest effort by big names in academia and business to persuade Washington to spend more money on energy innovation. Similar exhortations have come in recent months from Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates, the American Enterprise Institute, the Brookings Institution and the Breakthrough Institute.
WJS reporting.
I heard the original deal between Microsoft and IBM was a rigged socialist deal. Maybe socialism works if it generates $54 billion personal fortunes.!

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