Wednesday, January 26, 2011

CBO raises the projected debt

Today the Congressional Budget Office released their budget and economic outlook report.  Since last August, the outlook for the ten-year budget deficit has deteriorated by $1.4 trillion.. EconomistMom covers.
This is Paul Ryan and Ms. Bachmann running up the biggest debt in history.

I noticed the California projected deficit has increased from $20 billion when the Gubinator fakes a budget, to $23 billion, and is now projected at $28 billion.  
And this:
WASHINGTON – A continuing weak economy and last month's bipartisan tax cut legislation will drive the government's deficit to a record $1.5 trillion this year, a new government estimate predicts.
The eye-popping numbers mean the government will continue to borrow 40 cents for every dollar it spends. AP Press
We have a name for this, debt spiral.

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