Friday, January 7, 2011

Depression migrants in Bakersfield of 1935

They discovered the difference between small farming and suburbia.  There is a point of conflict in the novel Grapes of Wrath when the locals and the farming camps did not agree.

30 years later when I grew up, the sons mostly were living in suburbia and had jobs building suburbia. How did that happen? Kling wants to know. The approach to answering this question is to look at the effects of mass automobile production on the local community. Look at traffic congestion in Bakersfield, when traffic congestion increases, the migrants can locate jobs. Congestion in 1935 would be the Gibbs separation, everyone notices it, everyone paces to it.  Congestion points would literally define the bounded function of the city resident.

What are the congestion points we look for this time around? I already touched on that a bit, but the congestion is fitting flash mobs through portals, getting the goods quants  to match a self organized small mob.   Not just flash retail mobs, there is going to be flash stock traders, medical mobs and so on.  As we see these mobs, we reset quants and the mobs become orderly groups.

In both cases, 1935 and today, the cause is information shock.

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