Saturday, January 15, 2011

England in the end game

From Bloomberg

“With inflation likely to reach 4 percent this spring, the Monetary Policy Committee will come under intense pressure,”


The Item Club [Earnest and Young and Liar], which uses the same forecasting model as the U.K. Treasury, will revise its prediction for economic growth this year to 2.3 percent from 2.2 percent. It will cut its 2012 projection to 2.8 percent from 2.9 percent.

Chart derived from OECD, post by Clouded Outlook.

England has about 2.3% growth with 3% infalation expected to reach 4%, and debt approaching 90% of GDP.  How does a country do that?  England is operating on the edge of hyperinflation, they are in the end game.

 UK has a steep yield curve, but its getting flat fast.  The English banker will suddenly panic and chase the short end up until the UK  collapses. Next up in the spiral?

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