Monday, January 3, 2011

Hanson's machines

ectors with 6 meter apetures and kilometer focal points.They are faster than us, but otherwise just like us.  He is on EconoTalk with Russ.

My question:
Will the AI machine will convince us to save some very small amount over very long times to build very big things?  Unobserved over single eras, will artificial structures will appear on our solar system, and become accepted by us?

Remember, total imprecision is fixed. 
The AI would continually look longer out, causing us to focus closer in, in the entangle with them we will requantize to distribute imprecision.  Behind the scene, AI would be moving ever large amount of energy, over longer periods, with greater precision then we could ever have.  But you and I humans will get focus on more variability in local stuff, getting the latest variation in product that pleases us.

There is going to be an increasingly sparse and expanding Fib generator, always obeying total imprecision, but having huge span in quant multipliers along the finite chain.  Thus, if the largest thing is unknowable, the universe implodes.

Update, here I design the AI machine:
My AI machines are robots adapted for space construction; of light weight radiation collectors for looking out farther and collecting energy. First generation would build six meter reflectors with kilometer focal points. Use slow polishing techniques in space, electrostatic silver reflector spray, continuous focal adjustment and super cold focal arrays. We can add flexibility to focal arrays and simply focusing at long lengths. Robots would build solar sails, and sail away with large telescopes to outer parts of the solar system.

Start today, make it a national priority.  We can find out who is looking at us. We are likely an entanglement between two Swedes, one far away and one here, looking at the same black hole.  But the one farther away is the more powerful observer.

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