Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Marc Theissen wants more government!

Wa Post: The GOP will win the debt-limit fight

What is the goal of the GOP/American Enterprise  crowd?   They want to borrow more money and raise spending. Whenever one reads an editorial from this group of nuts, the goal is always the same, borrow more money.

It is exactly Marc Theissen and the GOP who got us into the debt spiral.  It is too late to arrange things so they may get us into another debt spiral, we have one.
We cannot afford another GOP sponsored debt spiral, we may not survive the one they have already created.

Maybe Marc read this WEF report:

Analysis shows that the US would continue to need to draw on global savings, potentially by up to US$ 3.8 trillion in 2020, in order to fund its credit needs, unless there is a marked increase in US domestic savings rates. 
This extra credit is just the external needs based on some 60% of new debt supplied by domestic Americans, or about 30% of our population. So total credit needs are close to $8 trillion, and I am sure the report lies about that.

Bottom line, the report wants the median American households to borrow $8 trillion to fund the entitlements.

The report comes from the CEOs of the big banks, banks like the bankrupt Citigroup. These CEOs have discover the world changed and they are near bankrupt. They want someone to change the world back and make a an appeal to government socialism.

They start with the amount of growth we need to keep them solvent, then compute the amount of credit they need to pass through to sustain the assumed growth.

Which parts of the world are going to be lenders and which part borrowers? They point out that the vast amount of credit needed by Western nations is for government expansion. Which foreign savers want to invest in Obamacare?

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