Thursday, February 24, 2011

The efficiency of exchange

It is a fundamental method of reducing neuronal excitement in our heads, quite frankly. The work of trade is the work of quantization, we accept the shared quantization of a good, and that quant allos us to move things around with minimal redundancy.

If we were neurology scientists, we would look at minimal neuronal spike trains in our heads while trading, and neurologists do exactly that. If we were matheticians we would look for quantization relationships that define the minimal number of steps to move goods through a network, and mathematicians do just that. If we were information scientists we would look for the minimum number of channels to transmit the maximum amount of information, and we information scientists do just that. If we were physicists, ditto; stock traders ditto, babies with toys, ditto, fish in the sea, ditto. Minimizing redundancy, the fundamental process of nature.

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