Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Volokh Conspiracy says what about the Republican party!!

The Libertarian Origins of the Republican Party

I don't read this guy, but I have news. We entered the civil war when John Fremont and Abe Lincoln proposed using federal subsidies for Manifest Destiny. Far from Libertarian, these two were big government stalinists. They were about government funding of railroads and canals. The South rebelled because slaves were excluded from Lincoln's big government subsidy plan.

He talks a lot about the 14th, and I might remind our readers that the 14th came about after a Big Government civil war, not the libertarian nonesense he parades.

Remind me not to click on his page again, this guy is about Big Government, of the Weekly Standard variety, as is Instapundit, the blogger who decides a trillion dollar war in Libya is fine and dandy!

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