Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reverse racism in California government?

What this suggests to me is that it’s not so much that Latinos, more than whites, favor government spending. It’s that Latinos, more than whites, identify and sympathize with the people who are employed by government– perhaps because, more than whites, they see government as a place where they or people they know might work. Kaus Files
HT Instapundit

Micky is looking further into the LA Times poll on public spending. Evidently Latinos and Whites agree on less spending and less taxes, but the Latinos want most of the remaining spending devoted to Latino jobs in government.

Another theory is that Latinos have an inability to calculate. That would explain how the Choo Choo scam got Jim Costa elected here in Fresno.

Still another theory is that Latinos have less access to the web. But that is changing:
Fifty-one percent of Hispanics and 46 percent of blacks use their phones to access the Internet, compared with 33 percent of whites, according to a July 2010 Pew poll. Forty-seven percent of Latinos and 41 percent of blacks use their phones for e-mail, compared with 30 percent of whites. The figures for using social media like Facebook via phone were 36 percent for Latinos, 33 percent for blacks and 19 percent for whites.MSN
The hope in Fresno County is that Latinos will discover the county checks they receive come from the property taxes they pay. There is no Great Exogenous and no Great Choo Choo.

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