Thursday, May 19, 2011

Marin Mafia choice for the Supremes blocked

Liu was as good a target as any for the GOP. A legal scholar who has never been a judge and has little experience practicing law, Liu occupies a place on the far left side of the legal spectrum. To take just one example, Republicans are fond of repeating Liu's assertion that the Constitution guarantees the right to "expanded health insurance, child care, transportation subsidies, job training, and a robust earned income tax credit." Washington Examiner

This guy was supposed to be a Supreme Court judge, but the Republicans blocked. The way it works is Obama calls up the Marin County Mafia and let's them choose the nominee.  Republicans are onto the scam.

Why does the Marin Mafia get away with this shit? They are willing to lie to us dumb Mexicans for votes, like the Choo Choo scam which we fell for in Fresno County, or the Desert Express scam that got Reid past a very stupid opponent. They wave the flag of the Great Exogenous, and us dumb Mexicans who have never seen these political scams get suckered.

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