Friday, October 21, 2011

A rumor floats that blogging is dead

Felix holds the thesis:
I’ve been saying for a while that blogs are dead — certainly the one-person, one-voice blog, and also the big splashy expensive blog launched by a new or old-media company. Both I think had their heyday a few years ago. But as bloggish tendencies get incorporated into the broader news business, and as the sharing-and-linking part of the blogosphere moves to social media, something quite encouraging is happening: media organizations are finding it easy to set up small, light blogs which they’re not particularly invested in.
This gets us back to the Imagisoft Search Gadget. It has an auxiliary button, the text analyzer. The tool will take you post and reduce its DOM tree to the minimal set of key words, then submit that semantic graph to the blog master. Blogs enter into a strutured semantic data base by vitrue of each ahuther learning about the key word generator.

The Imagistoft web interface puts the individual, author and reader,in charge of indexing and searching their own corser of the web.  It is escape from the big search companies and freedom from the perfectly structured personal databases.  We get a semi structured webosphere, the searcher controls his own search graphs, the author generates a collection of semantic possibilities.

This is simple stuff, who is with me? We will do this open source, make it available in all blog formats. Behind the scenes is a battle between disorder and order on the web. We need just enough order to find interesting areas of disorder.

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