Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How do I write SQL to the G machine?

The basic call to your SQL will load a set of pre defined parameters for all of G1, G2 NS Gout:
 table store name,

  • rowid,
  • current match value,
  • last opcode
  • current variable indices
The basic variable needed to operate using basic grammar.  This list will be known to SQL developers, and the order and sequence of loading, if required, these into imported sql sequences will be simple and fast.. These are loaded into sql prepared sequences as need for each operator. with an eye to efficiency.  So, for any simplicity engineer with an M4 loa up a config file for the ocal engine.processor, its boom times, they are unhindered in encoding G.  Use the M4 processor to make a config graph.

Ths, every operator in the system, from the initial step sequential, to the very complex is configured with a load from config. When executed alol go through the same execution path, to an SQL sequence,, which my be null, with unique  operator.  The only thing out of G context is the machines knowledge of itself as a the local URL consumer, and that allows configuration.

After each sequnce of SQL is loaded and processed, the execution loop sets the graph pointers properly by grabbing rowids from the tables.   Every sql call and call back in the engine is the same (except the internal machine.)  So the engine is just load and run, all the configs defines moved back to the macro application.

I have G machine main loop down to 120 lines total. (For version one which supports only short jumps)

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