Sunday, November 13, 2011

How's the software?

I dumped the latest lab version of G machine onto the widget thingie page to the right. It has everything and I mostly stepped thru it all.  I dropped ten bad lines and added pointer function to sqlite3, installs but untested. (about 150 total lines still)

On the M4 macro side, I am still at the level of programming with triples inserted like assembly language. No gestalt coning.  Likely tomorrow I will be throwing hordes of triples at the thing.

Pointer arithmetic, crawling up the graph is a bit harder than crawling down, but certainly no problem.  Untested.

Operators.  I have been divining properties and functions.  I like the not property inheritable by all operators, and it means, reverse the intended direction on the graph.  I have the debug property. The I put the new schema property next highest. The the rest of the properties (set and sequence)  followed by variable and application specific operators..

Distance property.  Byte jumps when the quote property is on, these are the smallest jumpt the machine makes. Then come the micro jumps.  Sql selects from do this this within procedures, scanning thousands of recodrs.  Then the mini jumps, node to node among the two current graphs, then the mini jumps across table stores, then the URL jump. So, I reserved about 15 spots on the table of unreadable fonts, just for jumps, stops, returns and reverses. .

Config.  This thing will have a standard configuration in the config graph, always locally ready.  About three core operators will allow standard graph traversal/ Other operators user definable..

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