Saturday, November 12, 2011

Traversing SQL tables in G world

In testing my G engine (150 lines!) I right away decided the configuration table links to another table, so my very first installed operation is the ascending link. You see in graph world, when two part of the graph are convolving and they follow a medium jump, a jump across graphs that requires swapping out one table for another. Since G world is directed graph and touring*  complete, we have to push an ascending link onto Gout to point back the calling graph.  It will work, be prepared to travers gigabytes of SQL tables across the arctic circle.

 What abou the M$ macro stuff?
I have the macro code simplified, to the point it looks like a linear graph languague! I can write linear sets of nodes that are inserted into the graph base as proper sub graphs.   In a day or two, the macro code will start to look less like configuration script and more like search strings. Then I start looking for lists of things that have keyword like thingies.

* touring a technical term at Imagsoft

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