Friday, December 9, 2011

Actual coding

I made the three tables variables in the syntax, the general, and default form still is:
result = @(self,other)

Self is the graph that was unready at a match, its general SQL statement (insert or select or update) was triggered. Table other may also be in unready, or may be ready. All three pointers available to the call backs within sql, as the readyset. Simple, I do it this way in the lab. The code on the right is broken.

Do output tables nest Hmmm.. in one sense, everything is part of the world G graph, sitting in the big building. Hmmm... Sure, why not, whole graphs of tables organized as g graphs. That was the plan for very large queries, run the main graph as a list, each element list triggering a complicated, proprietary sql. So, the nested order, nests its own definiton stil, makes for simple code. How to chain?

output$one,output$two,output$three.output$four = @(some nearly matching binary graph operands)

I guess we have to have this right? Everything in and out is g? Right? G will need to invert this:

But the machine, if it supports natural table links then it supports them, sure.

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