Thursday, December 15, 2011

Attributes and more

Attributes,IMHO, are overloads that tell he syntax tool to treat caste a key word in a form for some current use. INT$MyCount is implied when my graph does (MyCount--). LEN$SomeKey seems obvious. A key word is nothing but a blob to anything below the overloaded functions. So, Name.(INT$*).SSN does what we expect? Pick up the name field and other field as an integer until the SSN? I have no idea.
But attributes are useful and hidden:
LookUp may be a generic name, but underneath the web bots have made it into:
(Table1,Table2,Table3) each table with unique attributes, often proprietary attributes. But the client has no idea, he is transparently looking through LookUp, where LookUp may be the default place to LookUp. So hidden attributes are great news, transparent graph traversal. Attribute are overloads on link, and extend link if we have to.

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