Monday, December 12, 2011

The console is a nested graph

I dunce got many choices now. In the default starting conditions the world is empty and the machine is happy to wait at the console. So the top filter encodes the null event as micro instructions: get line, parse line and run the graph? I think so.

OK, this is how I make it work. I define the default event, the '_', the topmost nested operator is the console graph, it has the highest parentage always. It codes for one thing only, the null event, and the console always leaves itself in the unready state, in its micro actions.

So, dispatcher starts up, find the first, and only, filter in unread, stacks the opcode for null event onto the reay events, and launches the general select for the console: The general select for the console is:

['_ ','_',0], the null triple with the null prompt. That comes right back through as a g event, the, null event, it is encoded on the events list, and the micro action is: print prompt, getline,parse and run from the parsed table.

Normally, all events are filtered by the time event actions are executed on call backs, that is, the event list never reaches the top filter, the console null event encoder, unless there is nothing to do. This works, I think. The command line method is just another overload on link, like any other third party compiled method. When command line runs, it uses tables and graph expressions on tables like any other dll method is defined to do, on overload. The the command line become the first imposed application over the system, end to end syntax.

So I went ahead and added he null event, and null action. I modified the wide opcode into just a series of up to three microactions, undifferentiated except there is a case statement for the action and a code snippet. I am not trying to make it compact, just want to limit choices. Any event may trigger three micro actions from a set no larger than 20, ultimately, I hope. These little micro actions are the neuro transmitter exchanges that allow neurons to rebuild potential from their neighbors. The syntax and sql exchange some neuro juice, then sql restarts the speed demon.

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