Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If TE uses the brackets, what do they mean?

The brackets {}, not to be confused wit the {}, the later hold groups of elements for an operator, the former?? Well, doesn't the array mean: The descending list of items all of have the same sub segment size? That is, a micro sequence can hop along an array with a fixed sized jump. In sql terms, that means the fixed sub segment is filled for each element, even if that means operational default values. An array looking suspiciously like a square table Hmmm... I wonder what they think over at JSONville? Note also tht pointer space is freed in an array, not needed to step through elements. Just step thru at a constant offset until you hit the null/default element. Put arrays and bson together and a 'table' of 'bson' triples is a fast script.

The database cost of executing a bson triple is about eight instructions through this machine, and sql underneath can grab fixed size arrays with even better efficiency. So the bots who run through the graphs are not c code, but they do pretty good, and they are constrained by schema and memory protected at the graph layer.

Bson variable expressions can also be defined within square tables:
(link.pointer.Bson1.Bson2.Bson3..) // The row defined in TE, I think.
Pull out the row, then pop off he 4,8 whatever, bson codes you want to run. There is a lot of flexibility with hybrids, square tables that share a link and pointer with the graph layer. The machine can detect events having to do with hybrid tables, again, have special code to sequence out the column elements.

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