Sunday, December 25, 2011

New England, getting the government goodies

An example of the fiscal policy skew. Look at the Ceridian, the pulse of commerce index based upon transportation. Click regional view, go to New England. Ever since the recession and/or election of Obama the economy has been run from DC with future taxpayer money, much of it expected from Californian and the big states. Who got the greatest growth? Traditional small state New England, with about three times the senate democracy as the average state. That is anti-democratic Senate skew. There are cross entropy effects because California moderately outperforms when DC money is flowing. The Mountain states underperform with fiscal spending, it seems, and I am not sure why.

So, if you want to beat Obama, the thing to do is to tailor the message according the skew. Tell New England that hard work and private enterprise wins. But tell the Mountain State that federal spending is draining their region. The same message is likely to work in all big states.

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