Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Republican voter is socialist

With the Republican primary race threatening to extend deep into the spring, Republicans across the country aren't warming to Paul's libertarian message, with just 9 percent supporting him — compared to Newt Gingrich's 40 percent.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-new-nbc-poll-has-terrible-news-for-ron-paul-fans-2011-12#ixzz1gTEDRWcA

This stolen chart, like almost all of them shows the debt catastrophe was basically created by Reagan, and continued througjh Republican admnistrations.  The fundamental cause of the debt catastrophe is the desire of the Republican voter for big government, and ignorant folks like Billy Kristol and the Weekly Standard.
The difference between the progressive voter and the conservative, is that the progressive admits to liking big government.

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