Friday, February 24, 2012

Full duplex path to the browser

I worked around the so called same origin policy, the policy that says once a page loads, it can only get additional info from the original url of the top level document.  So one makes the local server dish up the starting page, and any other data  responses will be accepted by the browser. My starting page comes up with a Lazy J input text area and an engine out test area. You send it the one an it fills the other.  This is the latest method to make your home computer a server. Fossil uses it, so the CaYa, and a few others.  But it will become the norm.

So my machine is wired to the max, and debugging new modes of operation will be simpler and simpler as users get more javascript. For example, I an make a remote debugger, works through the browser and lets you debug special sql sequences.

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