Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Installs on my machine

Anything sql, really. One statement per operator, but you can run sequences bof them wiwith the machine locked. ure, just make a Qson file with your operators and any arguments they use:
@MyOp1,sometable.@myOp2,AnotherTable ...
Lay them out like a descent of opcodes, with the implied begin and end. Brackets work for nesting @{@A,B},{C} this should work, though I may be staring at the debugger for some time to make it so. I am reaching a truce with brackets.

Installs are formated just like other operators: @SystemInstall,opid.script.map0.map2,...
Your script could e insert into table where case union or whatever. You can pre compile them to an existing table. All courtesy of Sqlite3. Maps are ready variable that might be of interest to sql developers, maps of internal variables. And developers have local symbols available to assist.

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