Saturday, February 25, 2012

Target beta

I am moving on from alpha, I have banged the thing. I have now installed the complete same origin server with simple file server capability, built in. I use the same origin directory for moving files into tables, from the console command line, as well as delivering files to remote browser.  This capability is the minimum for merging same origin web policy and local file management. At this point, when I run the engine, any browser in the word can point at my IP and see my Sqlite3 tables. Their browser loads up index.html which has the simple query input and output windows. But it is not user proof yet, easy to crash with bad syntax. The only  function it knows is make a Qson from your Json, and return Json from a Qson table, and the latter not fully debugged from the browser.
These are the new magincs:

#define JSON_TYPE "application/json"
#define QSON_TYPE "application/qson"
#define MULTI_TYPE "multipart/form-data"

If you send multi-part, send only one part, send one part of anonymous bytes with balanced brackets. Bson is out for now. Json from a browser textarea is standard.

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