Monday, March 12, 2012

Eric Holder thinks Mexicans are too stupid to fill out a form

Mexican officials unveiled the voting ID two decades ago to properly identify electors in a country with a history of voters casting multiple ballots and curious vote counts resulting in charges of fraud — most notoriously in 1988 when a computer crash wiped out early results favoring the opposition.
The credential proved so good at guaranteeing the identification of electors that it became the country's preferred credential, one now possessed by just about every adult Mexican. Its widespread acceptance deepened democracy, too, by giving credibility to the Federal Electoral Institute, analysts say. The agency was created as an independent agency to oversee federal elections.USA Today
No, Eric may be right that his race is composed of idiots, he is an example. But Hispanics get it, they understand voting much better than Eric. Eric Holder and the liberal East Cost have long disparaged people of color, they are racist.

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