Thursday, March 8, 2012

The methanol factory

It is like a massive nanoscale battery in reverse, you give it juice and extract the electrolytic fluid. So it is a layered concept, like a capacitor writ large. You tune this layer to a spectral line, like a capacitor. You are moving very clean water, sort of slowly through this layer, making methanol precursor, and filtering to another layer. But, tuned electrics, high power, varying over the layer surface. Likely a two stage process. But look at how far battery layering has gotten, the ability to pack energy. It is the same, go backwards and get the fluid changed, and harvested Still, the key technology, besides electrical power, very good nanoscale filtration, get very clean water in moderate volume. 50% conversion efficiency is great, the value added is portable liquid fuel, a very efficient energy form. Take energy right off the power line, run off peak demand. Focus on that technology. Run a methanol factory right in the heart of Los Angeles.

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