Monday, March 12, 2012

Paul Krugman is on to our secret

And that’s a tale that needs telling. For the past two years, the Greek story has, as one recent paper on economic policy put it, been “interpreted as a parable of the risks of fiscal profligacy.” Not a day goes by without some politician or pundit intoning, with the air of a man conveying great wisdom, that we must slash government spending right away or find ourselves turning into Greece, Greece I tell you. Krugman
It is not a speculation that we will go bankrupt, it is an active cause of the colonies out west, remember us, the ones without democracy?

We, Texas and California, every 8-12 years send a president to DC with the express purpose of grabbing the goodies and forcing DC closer to default. It is called a rebellion of the colonies. The western colonies, there is no other name for us, we are in rebellion, we see gain if DC is bankrupt.

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