Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cancel HSR, says the San Jose Major Daily

The paper looked at the recent ruling from judiciary on whether HSR meets its legal goals. It concludes:
The plan is a financial wreck. Polls show voters would not pass it today. The first planned segment would stretch from Fresno to just north of Bakersfield, but that would be of little use unless the line is extended either north to San Jose or south to the San Fernando Valley. Kenny ruled that the measure voters approved required the authority to line up money for a "usable segment" before starting work -- "to identify sources of funds that were more than merely theoretically possible, but instead were reasonably expected to be actually available when needed." This was not the case. As for environmental review, Kenny concluded that also should have been completed for the entire usable segment before approval of the spending plan. It was not. Having found that the authority abused its discretion, Kenny next will decide what to do about it. The answer: Apply the brakes.
Neither the bay area not the LA basin really want the train, yet that is the ultimate destination supposedly.

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