Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Another blog spots the Jefferson Davis Undemocratic Party

The Progressive Psychoracialists of McRacism

Like Freudian psychoanalysts, MSNBC psychoracialists know that there are no such things as casual references. A misplaced comma can reveal unspeakable hidden depths of racism and does every time Rachel Maddow or Chris Hayes run short of material. The Freudian psychoanalyst assumed that if you had a dream about a duck or the Orient Express, you were harboring a secret desire for your grandfather. The MSNBC psychoracialist knows that if you don't like Obama, you're a racist. All that's left is finding the comma that proves it.
Like Freudian psychoanalysts, MSNBC psychoracialists know that there are no such things as casual references. A misplaced comma can reveal unspeakable hidden depths of racism and does every time Rachel Maddow or Chris Hayes run short of material. The Freudian psychoanalyst assumed that if you had a dream about a duck or the Orient Express, you were harboring a secret desire for your grandfather. The MSNBC psychoracialist knows that if you don't like Obama, you're a racist. All that's left is finding the comma that proves it.

Undemocrat Assholes like Chris Mathews think Brown Skin makes you a stupid and psychodependent on the great liberal white supremacists. Then Chris Matthews blames Republicans for not being racist, just like himself. We will be hearing a lot about the wonders of racial pandering by Nancy Pelosi, she is an expert racist and sexist.

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