Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bilingualism and education in California

Is bilingualism inefficient, and who wins or loses.  Latino families want English to be the primary language, mainly because the rest of the USA is.  The education theorists tells us that if the rest of school is english, then a period of intense english learning prior to beginning school works. But Latino families want insta-english.

When I grew up, Anglo parents wanted insta-spanish, oddly.  The language requirement in school was firm, and most of us knew Spanish was the winner. Anglos have always known they were a minority culture.  My hometown was given a Spanish name, even though it was founded by lilly white railroaders.  California is the Hispanic state if we define the Hispanic state as being mainly Latino but with large Anglo influence.

But in a world where English dominates across the country, it is easy for Anglos to be comfortable in a Latino land.  Not so for Latinos, you see.  Being a majority culture out here is no big advantage when the haunchos in DC speak English.

What to do? Ask the Latino families, they want immediate immersion. Who knows? Not me.

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