Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Let's help Francis Fufuyama with a long division problem

The Decay of American Political Institutions
M any political institutions in the United States are decaying. This is not the same thing as the broader phenomenon of societal or civilization decline, which has become a highly politicized topic in the discourse about America. Political decay in this instance simply means that a specific political process—sometimes an individual government agency—has become dysfunctional. This is the result of intellectual rigidity and the growing power of entrenched political actors that prevent reform and rebalancing.

Anyway, the long useless article never once mentions a test of democracy. Yet it mentions democracy about 20 times, half the time referring the the USA as a democracy with no test or validity.

Francis, here is a test. Divide the number of congressional districts by the number of Senate seats which represent them. Francis, accomplishing this homework, will discover a democracy skew of about 20 fold. Further he will find the skew in democracy, in the Senate, has doubled since 1980. Then he will discover we have a state vector, the path from Fresno,CA to DC is not the same path from Salem, Oregon to DC. He will be forced to treat government as a value added network, then he will get interesting results.

Ah, if we could just take our social scientists into the third grade, just for a bit.

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