Saturday, December 28, 2013

My hometown paper chickens out on California split

EDITORIAL: Don't split up California

Fresno Bee: For all its flaws, California happens to have 53 members of the House of Representatives, which is about one-quarter of what any given bill needs to pass. So the argument that we're underrepresented seems curious. 

 Whose bill would that be? There are at least four different economies, does Fresno get the bill that San Francisco wants? Are we supposed to trust two affirmative action Senators who barely give us a vote in the Senate. How often do the two 129 year old biddies ever come to visit Fresno?

Draper's plan is the kind of thing a guy with money on his hands would do if he were looking for his next venture capital target(s): six new states that owe him something.

Read more here:

The old ad hominem attack. The Fresno Bee fails to recognize the ongoing efforts in Jefferson, and Southern California to get the state right sized. These reporters in the Fresno Bee are born again oligarchs, and fairly stupid ones at that.

Remember the 60 vote rule in the Senate? These bozos at the Fresno Bee want it waived, so 60 rural Senators can set policy for California. Effectively they gave away what limited power Diane Feinstein has, just because the Fresno Bee thinks that Patty Murray, a Senator from Washington, knows what is best for California.

Where do the editors at the Bee really think? We are too brown to have a real Senate vote, too Hispanic for self rule, vegetable farmers too stupid to think. Maybe we don't have enough brains in Fresno public schools to teach proportional democracy. Tell us, editors, why we cannot have democracy?

Next up it the Sacramento Bee, then the LA Times, these rags are all part of the Party Orwellians, and each rag will, in their turn, get exposed for what they are.


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