Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Universal Smart Card

One that handles all point of sale transactions, Bitcoin, Food Stamps, debit, credit, JPMCoin.  Use the universal digital smart card technology to enable the whole bunch, all at once. Zero Hedge spotted this:
Fidelity now allows clients to put bitcoins in IRAs
Fidelity has partnered with SecondMarket’s Bitcoin Investment Trust to allow its clients to save for their retirement by putting the virtual currency in self-directed IRAs.
The bet here is that crypto currencies have a place. The way to win the bet is for Fidelity to propose an enhancement to the current debit card standard, upgrade our point of sale technology for smart catds. Everybody wins, pareto efficient.

Make the card a little more counterfeit proof, keep the magnetic stripe and the raised lettering.  Add the chip, replaceable. Insert the little silicon chip, define a short, 1 inch distance, wireless technology. What are the proposals out there? Let's hear some ideas.

So, Fidelity, go get an OEM agreement purchasepoint of sale technology, go sell the idea to shopkeepers, go dominate that market, I dare you. We can call it the Fidelity UniCard; universal demand, a new business, upgrade all the old point of sale equiplment with newer, cheaper, smarter versions.

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