Sunday, January 12, 2014

Zero Hedge reporting on BitCoins

With over 1,000 new merchants adopting Bitcoin every week, it is perhaps not surprising that, as NY Post reports, the first Bitcoin ATM is about to debut in New York City. Following success in Canada and Europe, Brooklyn native Willard Ling, 30, is set to introduce the first bitcoin ATM to New York City at the East Village bubble tea shop 'Just Sweet'. State regulators with the Department of Financial Services are expected to hold hearings later this month to discuss how the digital currency should be regulated; and until then, Ling’s bitcoin ATM will sit in his apartment.

This is one of those moments in development when the unexpected happens. What happens when the dim wit CEO at Overstock realizes the digital wallet can transfer Overstock coupons just as well as Bitcoins? Once that simple idea enters his simple brain, then the rush is on for the universal smart card that can handle a variety of digital currencies.

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