Friday, March 28, 2014

Quark spread sheet and universal counter

Simple thing. It quantizes at the Golden rate, if the SNR is high enough, otherwise the Pauli, otherwise Nyquist, which is kinetic.  It quantizes the largest thing. I am testing it, I think it might make Quarks and Gluons if I get the energy input right.

I corrected the big numbers for the biggest thing, and I am close enough for testing.  The idea is the we start with Nulls in motion, Kinetic energy, which get quantized at Nyquist. As Nyquist climbs the ladder, kinetic noise is reduced and we reach a point that Pauli can quantize, then it reduces noise so Fibonacci can quantize.  Whenever something quantizes, it induces noise in the previously quantized rates, and stops, releasing the spreadsheet to the lower rate, and so on.   I think this is the best way to get groups, I am sure it will work.

So how does a dumb vacuum make a multi-rate encoder on a spreadsheet?

Phase mainly finds resting spots where they are not perturbed. So, we have all these vacuum nulls running loose, the phase gets away and balances itself in the open areas.  That reduces noise and leaves channels for these nulls to run loose. That is a quantization level in the Nyquist.  But noise is reduced, and other phase start to get better balanced, leaving groups of Null trapped in packs.  That reduces noise and causes a quantization at the Pauli rate.  Then the Fibinacci rate starts waves, standing or not, mainly to keep them out of harms way. Really, just bunches of phase vacuum leaving specific marks by their position. When induced quantization noise is too high for the Fibonacci, the phase rebalance and make another level of packed Nulls.

This goes on until there is nothing left to do and we have three counters, with matching bits. Each time the phase leaves a channel, wave, or packed null set, noise reduces mostly, but they also induce quantization noise on each other.

So, I will just get a bunch of energy values from the physics sites, plug them in, with plenty of errors, and watch the thing make quarks and gluons. The density of the thing, and energy input to confine the nulls will force the other quantization into action sooner, making quarks and such.  Later I will add a valance charge quantizer that lets phase embed into safe spots in quark masses, eventually making a hydrogen atom on my spreadsheet.

The phase vacuum should automatically obey the Shannon condition, and make groups and sub groups.  In the sheet, I actually compute Shannon signal to noise  I have to add an "if" statement into my Open Calc, I hope that is enough.

If the system has no noise, the proton is a 16 bit mass of nothing. That is how far I have tested it. But I am pretty good at this stuff and will get it working.

Is this the BitStream version of physics?

Close, it is three bit stream versions, separate quantization rates and counters for three types of things going on, kinetic, packing and waving.

Will it make the Quark matrix?

It should. If I get the input energies right, the densities then some of the counter bits should line up as values for the matrix.  Shannon is maximum entropy, it will compute to the accuracy of me, which is not too good, but improving.

What other things will it count?

 Put in a counter for orbitals, electrons, planets, or yoyos.  Count the parameters you need to draw waves.  It should count anything in life because nothing in life is countable unless it meets Shannon.

After testing the thing and writing a little manual, I will release it.

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