Saturday, March 15, 2014

Steve Hawkins and the effective boundary of a Black Hole

Interpreted in this model, the Nyquist Vacuum separates energy levels among the orders to equalize make them Pauli separated. But in later stages, it is dealing with previous orders that have already established Null points, mass. As the compaction continues these Nulls are kept until the compaction needs to combine them.

So we get the effective boundary as sparsity is re-arranged. Compaction then continues and the Null eventually reach the Pauli boundary, they are re-combined at the point. The vacuum is computing various versions of the standard model as phase variance is dispersed. Compaction in one region is recomputed as is becomes connected with compaction in another region. The Vacuum does not have the complete picture, the Black Hole field with is not completely known until the end.
So we are valid in using the pseudo order because we know the ultimate limits compacted order. We know the complete order number to the extent that we can better estimate total phase variance.  However, we can only know the complete phase variance to the extent that the partial system can deliver that information.

So, Steve was right on target here, in fact, that is what got me thinking.

Says Steve:

“There is no escape from a black hole in classical theory,” Hawking told Nature. Quantum theory, however, “enables energy and information to escape from a black hole”. A full explanation of the process, the physicist admits, would require a theory that successfully merges gravity with the other fundamental forces of nature. But that is a goal that has eluded physicists for nearly a century. “The correct treatment,” Hawking says, “remains a mystery.”

A mystery no more. The vacuum balances energy so as to successively compute the compact standard model in stages.  It is computing the spectral density of an exponential disturbance.  The lower orders are immediately too compact, the outer orders to sparse.  Sparse is a measure of phase imbalance, dense is the opposit.  Sparse regions have regions of simultaneity. The process is one of moving energy from lower, too compact regions, to higher orders.  Energy moves by wave action. It becomes a null point (mass) in the higher orders when the Pauli separation is violated. Energy comes null immediately when a compact order moves energy up two order to another compact order, otherwise it decompose into spectral components  or excites matter in the higher order.

We klive on the edge of sparsity and cannot see the density of gravity, but we can compute the relative sparsity by computing pseudo orders that hold phase imbalance along the Pauil axes.  Orders measure all the energy in totaled in gthe complete sequence. What our our relative orders here? The complete sequence is the gravity half wave.

We know the mass ratios of the electron proton, and the energy rations contain kinetic and wave, so lets multiply by three and we get 5e3, roughly, that much more energy in the nuclear order, and 18-20 pseudo orders in the electron.

The we look at impedance between the electron and magnetic, relative to gravity. Impedance is force, convert to energy, multiply by three and we get 5e5 or thereabouts. The atomic order holds that much more energy than the magnetic. Most of that  energy is in the atomic orbitals.

Then we look at the red shift from light bending, which is velociy. Square that to get energy, and we have something like 2e10, the magnetic holds that much more energy than the gravity  That is a lot!

 We have measured sparsity and density in levels called orders, determined from Pauli separation.  But, the calculation is off, something is still wrong. Likely the magnetic/electron ratio is way off, and the error exceeds my ability at the moment.

What about wave spectrum?   The classical methods convert all wave modes to EM, that is wrong. At somewhere near the red shift, low frequency light should be gravity/magnetic interactions. At some where near the gamma ray, light is electron/nuclear. Wave modes, the frequency bands in each order, should be band limited.

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