Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A better way to ask this question

Why are there three generations of quarks and leptons? Is there a theory that can explain the masses of particular quarks and leptons in particular generations from first principles (a theory of Yukawa couplings)?

Is there another mass ratio that would be as good a near perfect match with the Compton wave number at the level of the proton? Clearly the stability of the Proton and the nature of the quark/gluon interaction are related. Also clear is that the dimensionality of the quark (spin, charge, mass, up, down, charm) and the gluon color matching all are part of the stability.

It is also clear that the quark/gluon stability allow the atomic real to be diverse and stable, and are the reason we have no magnetic quantization.

SO, ask another question. What other Null quantization ratio schemes would do better? Go look. And then, since this all results from the nature of the vacuum, why is the vacuum the way it is?

The answer, I think, is that no other structure of the vacuum can exist.  Topology should tell us, any other structure of the vacuum will immediately evolve into the one we have.

Another related question. Why does phase imbalance in the proton make it so stable, even in free space? And if the Neutron is much less sable by 10e36 years, then why does it take ten minutes to decay? The process inside the Neutron is ultra high frequency, and internal oscillations would immediately cause the delay. 

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