Saturday, April 12, 2014

How much noise in this theory?

This number is how much the largest quant ratios differ from 1.0:  0.0000444, which is about 22,000.  The differences between the wave and null quants down the line are not noise, those differences are filled with charge, spin, periodic tables, quark matrices, and kinetic energy; all of which is valid information.

So, the 200 interleaved quant ratios must be scaled to make a twos bit system which counts noise up to 22,000 or so.  At Nyquist that is about 16 bits of precision per quant we need, the precision we need in that periodic table gap with 120 electrons into 7 rows and 18 columns, which, oddly, is about 15,000 units of information.

The vacuum is pretty damn accurate. Gonna have to get there in steps. Below that there is nothing, we get to Plank.

The Shannon condition is met because -iLog2(i) is always one, where the log(-i) is the quant size. The first digits appears twice as often as the second, and twice as often as the third and so on.

So where do all these nits in physics come from if everything is just combinatorics?

Dunno, still a mystery to me.

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