Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My fumbling point about gravity

Yes, it is an attractive force with Newton's Law in this phase theory. The phase aligned gravity field seeks the minimum phase path which is thru the packed nulls in the  proton. As the phase exchanges with packed nulls the motion of the nulls is down the aligned path.

My point was that the solar system and sun have their relative positions in our local gravity field because the planets co-quantized the field, the local field is a reflection of past kinetic energy in the gas ball that was transferred from the gas to the standing gravity wave around us.  The process is still happening, kinetic energy within the sun reduces and the local phase alignment increases.  The transfer is seen in the magnetic field flipping direction in the sun.Gravitrons are simply the null points of the standing field (somewhere in the outer regions of the planets).  They are packed nulls, but to call them matter in the common sense of the term would be ridiculous. The quantization ratio is so small that assuming a continuous field is as good an approximation as we need.

But the relative separation of gravity from other phase alignment is what is important, and that is why group theory still rules the roost in physics.

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