Monday, April 7, 2014

Some details of the quantizer

I was anxious to show a very simplified version of the quantizer, the one I use to step thru the complete sequence.

Mainly my point is that this model is simply a discrete time version of the analog models physicists currently use. This quantizer first makes wave, then makes mass if the wave slot is filled. Each time it may redo the lower order calculations.

Everything is computed in twos arithmetic, which we can think of as the Nyquist collector of the output.  The entire set of quantization values for the mass and wave rates are computed on the spread sheet, up to the maximum order. The spread sheet also finds the nearest twos bit, but I can scale the two bit number. After taking the log2 of the real ratio, I multiply that by 4,8,16,.. and that increased the effective Nyquist bandwidth up to the limit of the Plank bandwidth, if I want.  This is equivalent to an Einstein space/time expansion.

I compute the quantization of the current force level for each sample in the complete sequence, generating the two binary integers for wave and mass quantization.

Besides space time, everything else in physics is included.  When the bits go from 011111... to 10000..., that is a dirac delta.  The fastest quantizer is the sample rate of light. And later, when I verify that charge is identifiable and obeys the rules, I can put in a third quantization rate for that.  I can expand the rules in the quantizer to obey the standard particle theory if I want.

The result is a complete sequence that consumes the applied force, the sequence is now 80 samples long, but that is not a limit.  The more rules of physics I incorporate, the faster this will run, but right now I want it as simple as possible for test and debug.

This steps through the quantizer list, which can be ascending or descending depending on how it was loaded.

function QuantizeSet( I as integer,force as double)
       ' I is the index into the quantizer table
Dim I2 as integer ' the binary bit index for the quantizer value
        'grab the twos bit version of the rate quantizer for mass

I2 = QuantTable(I,Ii)

' Done if there is less than a twos digit in the force

if not ( force < 2^(I2+1)) then ' Done

' Check for the Pauli condition
if QuantTable(I-1,Iq) = QuantTable(I,Iq) then
    ' Then make wave
      DigitW = DigitW +  2^(I2)     
      force = force -  2^(I2)
      force = QuantizeTable(I+1,force) 'continue
elseif DigitM/2^I2 > 0 then
' Current slot is mass
    DigitM = DigitM - 2^I1
    force = force +  2^I1
    force = QuantizeSet(I-1,force)
elseif  DigitW/2^I2 > 0 then
    ' Current slot is wave, make mass
    DigitW = DigitW - 2^I1
    DigitM = DigitM - 2^I1   
    force = QuantizeSet(I+1,force)
else 'Make wave
      DigitW = DigitW +  2^(I2-1)
     force = force -  2^I1     
'elseif force > QuantTable(I,Iq)  then
    ' Match for mass and wave
'        QuantizeSet = QuantizeSet +  QuantTable(I,Iq) + QuantTable(I-1,Iq)
QuantizeSet = force
End Function

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