Thursday, April 10, 2014

The deal with the periodic table

If I look at the order, 48 (in wave), where I think the electron appears, I see two null quants together, which won't fit.  But the next null wave quant above has a gap of three digits, when my scale factor is at 8.  The number of electrons, max, in the periodic table is 127, that is about 10 log 1[/2+sqrt(5)]. The scale is too small, but even that gap is going to fit some 80 electrons.  In other words, the next wave quant up is large enough to accommodate multiple packed nulls without requantization. Up to the electron limit, kinetic energy uses up the excess wave quant. The mass ratios between proton and electron indicate a order difference of 18, but the quant spacing that minimizes free space is 16. The proton is efficiently packed, most likely because of charge. So all that extra space opens up for the atomic structure.

I think I am approximately right in doing this.  My colliditron should pause and build electrons for some time at the proper position. It should happen a proton at a time, build a proton in one pass, then build another electron in the next, add charge, and so on. With the excess wave, we should be able to construct orbits using hyperbolic sums, which automatically minimize phase imbalance. The confined wave engaging in periodic motion to minimize phase imbalance. Just another small verification that this method is on the right track.

The process should continue right on up to molecules. The atom so efficiently packed that they can be combined in units of small integers without violating the Shannon separation. 

I am trying to make the quantizer as dumb as possible and see if these structures fill in without any rules of physics attached.

How will I handle charge?
Dunno yet, right now phase is a generic quantity. Negative and positive phase are slightly different in topology of the samples, and I have not worked that out, I just assumed one of the laws of physics. Likely the forcing function has a remainder that just fits into two spots, one at the electron and one at the proton. That would be the 'carry the one' effect, the quantizer drops a quant off, it just fills the slot, and excess ripples up until it lands nicely at the proton. But what rule allows the quantizer to assign sign? It would seem to me that the relative 'sign' of things is set at the lowest order, what fits best with noise, the positive or negative volume size of the vacuum samples. That makes the Black Hole wave responsible, it can tell the subtle difference between volumes with it very small quantization value, it sits on the edge. And that brings up a whole set of questions about the fate, or imbalance of the universe.  Does the universe reach a point where the small difference in volume sizes of the vacuum samples tip the process?

So maybe, all we need is a vacuum, and the impossibility of equalizing density without some volume difference in the phase samples.  That would be enough to put the universe in cycle mode. We need a topologist who can prove the impossibility of perfect equality.

How woulds that proof go? Well, one thing is trivial and proves nothing. Two things could be different, but different relative to what? We need the third thing, the absolute metric, the null. The third must distinguish between the two, so the two cannot be perfectly equal.

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